It is 125 A.D. You were minding your own business in the country of
. . .
. . . when you were captured by Roman cavalry, →
under suspicion of bringing grain
to a local raiding-party.
Because you knew neither Latin nor Greek, you couldn't defend yourself.
Luckily for you, no cruel master bought you, but you've been bought by . . .
. . . the most cosmopolitan man in the whole empire . . . Emperor Hadrian himself. ↘
You barely escaped being assigned to his personal gladiatorial school.
Instead, you'll be a domestic servant at his
gargantuan villa, 15 miles east of Rome.
You'll have to work your way up through the servile-ladder, learning the latin language & culture,
and demonstrating your proficiency, at a skill-level well enough to get paid, . . .
. . . until you can
someday buy your freedom.
In case you should run away, fill out your
'dog-tag,' below, often worn by illiterate slaves:
← Click on the image to upload your own custom profile-image; but if you choose not to, then the program will assign to you a generic image.
Fill in all orange-
highlighted fields:
I am a
slave from
I belong to the Emperor Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli.
If I should run away, or if anything should
go wrong with my growth-&-progress, please notify:
(↑ Optional - Leave blank, if self-studier. ↑)
(phone optional↑) (To login, this ↑ will be your username.)
password to be admitted to my areas of the Villa Hadriana is . . .
(Enter a password:)
(Re-enter the password:)
Prove that you're not a bot: Type the answer as a number:
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